The Armenian American Mental Health Association (AAMHA) represents professionals of Armenian descent, or with special interest in Armenian affairs; with MD., Ph.D., Psy.D., or MA/MS degrees in psychiatry; psychology; marriage and family therapy; social work; or other mental health specialties. AAMHA aims at the advancement of mental health knowledge in the Armenian community, and culturally sensitive and appropriate mental health practice, through meetings, professional contacts, research, reports, papers, discussions and publications. It aims at helping the Armenian community with mental health issues, at improving existing mental health services for Armenians and at providing leadership in expanding culturally relevant mental health services to meet the specific needs of the Armenian community. AAMHA also aspires at the establishment and maintenance of the highest standards of professional ethics and conduct in the field of mental health.
The Association shall have four standing committees. Each of the committees shall be chaired and organized by a Board member. The members of these committees shall be volunteers from the Board as well as the general and Affiliate membership. All committee events shall be submitted to the Board for approval.
The Board and the general membership may establish partnerships and affiliations with national, international scientific organizations, and other organizations serving the Armenian community. Such partnerships and affiliations shall be terminated by the approval of the membership when they are no longer of interest to the Association.
Association records, reports, proceedings or minutes of meetings shall become public only with the approval of the Board. The Association shall develop a web site for the Membership and the Armenian community, in order to disseminate information about the Association. Selected pages on the website may be password protected and available only to the membership.
A detailed report of annual activities of the Board shall be presented to the general Membership annually, at the last meeting of the year, by the President, Treasurer, as well as the chairs of the Education/Program, Membership/Outreach, Website, and Social Committees. These reports shall be archived by the current secretary.
There shall be a designated fee required for membership in the Association. The fee shall be determined by the Board. Non-payment of fees shall automatically terminate the membership in the Association.
Amendments to any of the Articles of the Bylaws shall be with two-thirds of the vote of the Members present at a special meeting called by the Board, or by e-mail.